The committee Wervingsdagen organizes yearly, on behalf of 9 study associations, the Wervingsdagen. The committee is responsible for organizing the Skills sessions, the Career Expo and the Interviewing days.


The first event of the year are the Skills sessions. During these days, different lectures and workshops are held, all focusing skills necessary in applying for a job. The second event of the year is the Career Expo. Over 100 companies present themselves during two days by setting up a stand. Students get the opportunity to visit the stands and talk to the recruiters. There are also presentations from different companies in the Auditorium. Finally, the Interviewing days take place. Students can submit their resume and request an interview with one of the participating companies.


So being part of the Wervingsdagen committee means organizing three big events at the TU/e. Almost every student at the TU/e will come across one or multiple of these events during their time at the university. To make sure all these events run smoothly, a lot of effort is put into the organization of these events. Every year, 8 or 9 students take place in this committee. Each person gets assigned a specific task. You can be in charge of one specific day, you can be responsible for the public relations or the external afffairs and of course there has to be a chairman, treasurer and secretary. Taking place in the Wervingsdagen committee will teach you a great deal about contact with companies, working together with students from different faculties and organizing these major events of course. The Wervingsdagen committee not like other committees because of the professional approach and close one-on-one contact with a lot of companies. This is also the reason a part-time board scholarship is given to committee members.


For more information, you can always send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.