In the academic year 2023-2024, the 35th board of SvBMT Protagoras will lead the association. The 35th board consists of Demi van der Heijden (chairman and commissioner of internal affairs), Isa Kwakman (secretary and commissioner of external affairs), Isa Haeck (treasurer), Emiel Klop (education commissioner and Vice-Chairman), Sterre de Lignie (commissioner of external affairs and ICT commissioner) and Maud Schuurmans (Commissioner In Vivo and Editor-in-Chief).

The chairman keeps the overview and is the contact person for the association, the secretary takes care of the administration and written communication and the treasurer manages the finances of the association.

You can contact the education commissioner with questions or comments about education. He coordinates the study supporting and guiding task of the association and arranges the book sale. The commissioner of internal affairs is responsible for providing information, supervising committees and maintaining contact with members.

The commissioners of external affairs are responsible for contracts and contact with companies. They ensure that students stay informed about their career opportunities and come into contact with companies. The commissioner In Vivo ensures that every week you can relax at one of the drinks and that there are cans and biscuits available in the Prothok. Furthermore, the association magazine, the Protatype, is published several times a year under the direction of the editor-in-chief. The ICT Commissioner ensures that the site is and remains up to date.

Within SvBMT Protagoras, many members are also involved in various committees.


This year Demi is the chairman of the 35th board of the SvBMT Protagoras. As chairman, she will speak on behalf of the bestuursfotopersoonlijkassociation, she will keep an overview and she ensures structure within the board and the association. She also leads the meetings and ensures that the policy plans are implemented. In addition, Demi is also this year's internal relations commissioner. As internal relations commissioner, Demi is responsible for the committees and makes sure that fun activities are put up. If you are interested in committees or have questions about them, you can reach her at the email addresses below.


Demi van der Heijden


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Commissioner of internal affairs

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Isa is the secretary of the 34th board of SvBMT Protagoras. As secretary, she manages all incoming and outgoing mail. She will dsc_4250_goedalso ensure that the minutes of the GMMs are clear and of good quality. Of course, as secretary, she will also ensure that members are kept informed of what is going on within the association. In addition to being a secretary, Isa is also a commissioner for external relations. As external relations commissioner, she is responsible, together with Sterre, for liaising with companies in order to ensure the financial stability of the association through sponsorship. In addition, she is concerned with creating greater awareness and interest in the study of Biomedical Engineering among companies. She also organizes career-related activities for the members of the association.


Isa Kwakman

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Commissioner of External Affairs

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Isa is the treasurer of the 35th board of the SvBMT Protagoras. As treasurer she is responsible for the bookkeeping of the association. She ensures that there is enough money for serious and of course also the less serious activities. For example, she checks the budgets for all activities to keep them affordable.


Isa Haeck
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Emiel is the education commissioner of the 35th board of SvBMT Protagoras. As education commissioner, he is responsible dsc_4294_goedwithin the association for everything that has to do with education. He ensures that the bachelor's college and graduate school run as smoothly as possible and he passes on feedback from students to the faculty so that education can be optimized. So if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for improvements, you can contact Emiel.


Emiel Klop

Education Commissioner

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Sterre is commissioner of external affairs of the 35th board. As commissioner of external affairs, she is, together with Isa, responsible for contact with companies in order to ensure the financial stability of the association through sponsorship. In addition, she is concerned with creating greater awareness and interest in the study of Biomedical Engineering among companies. She also organizes career-related activities for the members of the association. In addition, this year Sterre is also the ICT commissioner. Together with the ICT committee, she ensures a working website. In addition, she takes care of all the available hardware of the association. So if you see something on the site or have other IT-related questions, don't be afraid to contact Sterre.



Sterre de Lignie
Commissaris of External Affairs
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ICT commissioner

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Maud is the commissioner In Vivo of the 35th board of SvBMT Protagoras. As commissioner In Vivo, she is responsible fordsc_4205_goed our beautiful bar in Traverse, In Vivo. Every Thursday afternoon a nice drink is organized here where you can have a drink with your friends, get to know new people and relax after a busy week of studying. Maud also takes care of the cans of soda and biscuits in In Vivo. In addition to commissioner In Vivo, Maud is also editor-in-chief. As editor-in-chief, she ensures that the association magazine, the Protatype, is available, with news about the association, updates on activities, experiences of graduates, experiences of students on internship, and much more!

Maud Schuurmans

Commissioner In Vivo

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Studievereniging der Biomedische Technologie "Protagoras"    

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
Traverse 0.04
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
Telefoon: 040 - 247 2758
Facebook: SvBMT Protagoras
Instagram: @svbmtprotagoras
Linkedin: Studievereniging der BioMedische Technologie Protagoras  

Openingstijden Prothok
(Traverse 0.04)

Dagen Openingstijden


 9:00 - 17:00 







 10:00-13:00 (vakantie!!)



Openingstijden In Vivo
(Traverse 0.32)

Dagen      Openingstijden


 9:00 - 17:00








 10:00-13:00 (vakantie!!) 




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