Protagoras organizes a study trip once every two years. The journey lasts three weeks and always goes to a country outside of Europe. The aim of the study trip is to look at scientific research and education in the biomedical / technical field in other countries in order to gain new knowledge. The cultural and social aspects of the country are also discussed during the trip.

Before the students went on a trip, they carried out case studies for companies. Such a case study has a study load of 120 hours per person and is carried out in groups of variable size, depending on the size of the project. The case study is concluded both orally (presentation, discussion, demonstration) and in writing (report, poster, paper, website).
As you can see, a case study is an ideal way for your company to get in touch with students and gain insight into what qualities a BMT engineer possesses.
Because we understand that you want to have a substantively good project carried out by our students, the requirement for participation in the study trip is that they are at least third-year students. For the exact details and costs of a case study, further consultation will have to take place with a professor from the BMT faculty and the Study Tour Committee. There are also other possibilities to give your company name recognition during this activity.