Protagoras is the study association of Biomedical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. This program consists of two majors, Biomedical Engineering and Medical Sciences and Engineering. Study association Protagoras is the place to meet future biomedical enigineers and bring them into contact with your company.
The course started in 1977 as a specialization of Mechanical Engineering. Twenty years later, in 1997, Biomedical Engineering has become an independent faculty that now has a great number of graduates and PhD students. At the moment, there are about 1000 students who study Biomedical Engineering and every year there are around 200 firstyears who start this bachelor.
The study association Protagoras was founded in 1988 with the aim to organize both fun and career-oriented activities for the members. However, these activities are not possible without the support of companies. These collaborations and contacts are very valuable to us and we think that our students can also be of great value for your company.
This section of the website gives you an overview of the possibilities for collaboration with Protagoras. Under 'Contact with students' the possible career activities that the association organizes are described. In addition, attention is paid to the various options for presenting your company in the right way to our students. This way, our students get to see how your company fits within the field of biomedical engineering and how that happens.

During a lunch lecture an expert from your company will give a presentation about your company at the university for about 40 minutes. In this way you can show students the vision of your company and possibly interesting positions for Biomedical Technology students. By treating a topic that is current or comes back in education, your company gets the chance to show which activities you develop in this area. Because students must sign up for a lunch lecture and this is not compulsory, only students who are genuinely interested in your company will be present at the lecture. With such a lecture you will come into contact with students in a personal way. After the lecture, there can be further discussion with the students. The lunch lecture will take place from 12.40 - 13.20, preferably on Wednesdays, but Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday are also possible.

A borrel lecture lasts about 3 hours and takes place in our student bar at the faculty. These 3 hours can be filled in by your company. It is advisable to give an hour long presentation about the company, to do an hour long interactive case study and to network for an hour with the students while enjoying a drink. In this way students learn about your company, they know what it is like to work for your company, you learn how the new generation Biomedical Engineers think and you get the chance to make personal contact with interested students. The borrel lecture lasts 3 hours and can take place between 4 pm and 10 pm, depending on what you want.

The department of Biomedical Engineering has launched an internship database. On this database, students can find internship vacancies from various organizations and companies. If you’d like to post a vacancy please fill in the form on our website.

During an excursion, students come to take a look at your company. In this way, the student gets a good impression of the atmosphere at the company. In addition, you can show the structure and vision of your company through a presentation. A guided tour can then give a good picture of the daily routine within your company. It is also very nice to do a case study, a small project where the students get started with a problem that you are working on in your company, or what has to do with your company. This is especially nice because Biomedical Technology students spend a large part of their study time on such projects and are usually very enthusiastic about it. In this way you can also learn more about the way of thinking of the students.

Protagoras organizes a symposium every year in collaboration with academia and industry. Every year a typical subject is chosen that arouses interest among the students. Recent examples of topics are: 'Robots & Doctors join hands' (2017) and 'Bringing Back Motion' (2018).
The symposium is full-day and consists of workshops and lectures from universities, hospitals, companies and other institutions. These are interrupted for coffee breaks and lunch and concluded with a drink. During this symposium, there are countless opportunities for your company to acquire brand awareness. The symposium is interesting for the students from all years and there will also be a large and diverse audience.

Every year the Career Event is organized by the career orientation committee. This is an event where various companies and PhD students come to speak. As a company you will have about 40 minutes to give a presentation about your company and often an interactive caseis done by the companies. Approximately 80 Bachelor's and Master's students from Biomedical Engineering come to this event to get in touch with the companies and PhD students. The PhD students briefly tell something about their research and the reason that they have chosen to do a PhD after their master's. The day always ends with a networking drink where the companies and PhD students can get in touch with the students in person.

In the years that no study trip takes place, a Foreign Excursion (BuEx) is organized. This journey will last one week and go to a country within Europe, in the academic year of 2018-2019 the BuEx is organized will go to Portugal. In February 2017, 28 students and 2 staff members traveled abroad to Tallinn and Helsinki to visit several universities, hospitals and companies.

The career orientation committee also organizes the career trip every year. This is a two-day trip to a city in the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany. Here four companies are visited with a presentation and a tour being given. Every year, about 30 enthousiastic bachelor and master students participate in the career trip. In recent years we went to Groningen, Dortmund and Leuven.

Protagoras organizes a study trip once every two years. The journey lasts three weeks and always goes to a country outside of Europe. The aim of the study trip is to look at scientific research and education in the biomedical / technical field in other countries in order to gain new knowledge. The cultural and social aspects of the country are also discussed during the trip.

Before the students went on a trip, they carried out case studies for companies. Such a case study has a study load of 120 hours per person and is carried out in groups of variable size, depending on the size of the project. The case study is concluded both orally (presentation, discussion, demonstration) and in writing (report, poster, paper, website).
As you can see, a case study is an ideal way for your company to get in touch with students and gain insight into what qualities a BMT engineer possesses.
Because we understand that you want to have a substantively good project carried out by our students, the requirement for participation in the study trip is that they are at least third-year students. For the exact details and costs of a case study, further consultation will have to take place with a professor from the BMT faculty and the Study Tour Committee. There are also other possibilities to give your company name recognition during this activity.

Protagoras organizes a gala once every two years.The galas are crowded and very cozy. Stylishly dressed people, a fairytale location, a casino or an atmospheric performance by a band make the gala a highlight for our members and other students at the TU/e. Placing the company logo on the entrance tickets and the announcement poster also belongs to the possibility to obtain name recognition among the students.

Every year the Introductionweek of the Eindhoven University of Technology takes place in August. During this week, the new first-year students will be introduced to Eindhoven University of Technology and everything that can be experienced in the area of study and student life in Eindhoven. All this is done in a student-like manner. By means of a logo on the T-shirts of the participants, the supervisors and the committee (about 350 pieces) or handing out useful gadgets, you can increase the name recognition of your company in a fun way among all new students of the TU/e. This shirt is worn all week.

The introduction weekend takes place every year in October.This camp is specially organized for the first year students, so that they get to know each other and the association better. For your company, the introduction weekend is one of the first opportunities to acquire brand awareness among first-year students. There is the possibility to place your logo on the announcement posters and the t-shirts (about 150 pieces) that are worn during the introduction weekend.

In 2018 the Batavierenrace was organized for the 47th time. The Batavierenrace is a concept within the student world, but also beyond. Every year in April the world's largest running relay race is held between Nijmegen and Enschede. There are battles in teams of 25 people and the total number of participants is 10,000 students. This year, Protagoras will again participate with one or two teams. By means of a logo on the t-shirts of the participants you can increase the name recognition of your company within the Dutch student world.

Logo SvBMT Protagoras wit    



Studievereniging der Biomedische Technologie "Protagoras"    

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
Traverse 0.04
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
Telefoon: 040 - 247 2758
Facebook: SvBMT Protagoras
Instagram: @svbmtprotagoras
Linkedin: Studievereniging der BioMedische Technologie Protagoras  

Openingstijden Prothok
(Traverse 0.04)

Dagen Openingstijden


 9:00 - 17:00 







 10:00-13:00 (vakantie!!)



Openingstijden In Vivo
(Traverse 0.32)

Dagen      Openingstijden


 9:00 - 17:00








 10:00-13:00 (vakantie!!) 




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